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Once you have made up your mind to undergo Asian Rhinoplasty Surgery.... the big question that most of my patients ask is.... "Which is better Rib Cartilage or a Silicone Implant?"

          The answer is not so simple... Here I'll discuss in detail the pros and cons of both Rib graft cartilage as well as Silicone implant for an Asian Rhinoplasty Surgery and the cost of Asian Rhinoplasty. 


What is good for me?

The first thing when a patient comes to me.... I ask what is your goal? What is the type of nose shape are you looking at? How much change are you looking at? what kind of nose tip are you looking for? 

The next thing I look at is the present shape of your nose. The baseline nose. The decision on what type of graft is best for you depends on all the above observation and the baseline nose. 

I will start from the baseline nose that we have specially in Asian noses.

Types of Asian Nose

I Personally classify the asian nose into 

1) weakly supported nasal tip

2) Well supported nasal tip

3) Thick or Thin skin

There are many classification for asian nose, but clinically my decision is majorly based on the type of nose tip support one has. because the nose tip tell me a lot about what kind of cartilage does your nose have. 

A nose which has a its tip much higher and the skin is comparatively thinner normally has a good supported underlying cartilage. Most of the time I can utilize the cartilage from within the nose to get a good tip support. In these types of nose where i there is less stress onto the cartilages, I can avoid the use of rib cartilage. most of the time i leave it upto my patients on what material they want to increase the height of their nose bridge in their rhinoplasty surgery. The standard option for nose bridge are either cartilage from the ear or a silicone implant

The most important part of any rhinoplasty is the NOSE TIP!! nose tip is what is going to define your overall attractiveness of the nose. It is relatively easy to raise the height of the nose, but getting a good nose tip with good tip support and projection is what is the most difficult step in an Asian Rhinoplasty or in fact in all Rhinoplasty Surgery. This is the step where I spend 80% of my time in getting the right shape, projection and support for that beautifully balanced nose. So it al boils down to the whether or not i am able to get a good nose tip shape from the cartilage within the nose.  


As you can see in the Rhinoplasty Surgery Before and After images. The baseline nose on the left has the following features

1) Skin is relatively thin

2) The nose tip although broad and wide, but from the profile it has a better projection as compared to rest of the nose. 

3) Patient is not looking at a massive change in her nose shape, she is looking for a more better projection and a more well balanced nose

Looking at the criterias, I know that...

1) I do not need to raise the height of the nose by a large margin, that in turn indicates the nose tip also does not have to be projected too much as compared to her baseline

2) The nose tip is already in a better position as compared to rest of the nose.


Here my Plan for her is 

1) Increase the height of the nose bridge using cartilage from the ear or a silicone implant

2) Refine her thick broad cartilage, support and project her nose tip using cartilage from within the nose (Septal Cartilage) and narrow her wide nose bones.


In the end we have a well balanced nose which has just transformed my beautiful patient from BEAUTIFUL TO STUNNING!!






In this Nose job I have done the following

1) Narrowing the wide nose bones

2) Raise her nose bridge using cartilage from her Ear and temporalis fascia

3) Refined her nasal tip, projected the nose tip at a more balanced position using cartilage from within the nose (Septal Cartilage)


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